

In Europe’s ancient history, “Bardo” was usually a character who transmitted legends, stories and poems by singing about their people’s lives. The “Bardo” was both a musician and a poet. The character later became known as the troubadour. “Bardo” is a recreation of CURINGA’s bold travels. It is how we sing our story – we transmit it through our music.

MUSICIANS: Bruno Santos, Edwin Pestana, Hélder Duarte and Joel Silva
SPECIAL APEARANCES: Marco Santos (Lenon) and Paulo das Cavernas
PRODUCTION: Edwin Pestana, Mário Sá and Miguel Barros
RECORDING: Mário Sá and Miguel Barros – Replay Studios, April/June 2012
MASTERING: Miguel Marques – Bender Mastering Studio
PHOTOGRAPHY: Emifer Freitas
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Susana Reis / Boxy Studio
©  & ℗ 2012
 19 July, 2012

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